Friday, February 22, 2013


Joan Rivers is one of my all-time favorite comedians. She has a documentary called: "A piece of work" which highlights just how much work being funny actually is. She works her ass off at funny. Ok, she gets it surgically worked off, but that would be a joke to her. She writes down every single joke she has ever written on a card and catalogs them in an extensive, alphabetized, wit-filled cabinet. P being her largest section. 

I bring this up because it's hard to be funny or make light of a situation that is gut-wrenchingly painful. You have to work at it. 

My wrecking ball to the heart came last night. I was forced to shave down my hair to a near bald becuase it was falling out everywhere: bed; cushions; towels; tables and food. Campbell's Vegetable and Hair soup is not my favorite flavor. Andy Warhol may have missed the ultimate social commentary there, but I digress. 

Knowing this blog is meant to be light-hearted and uplifting I'm choosing to channel Ms. Rivers. She would take one look at my picture and make some wildly uncomfortable, inappropriate joke like: "She looks like she just got liberated from Auschwitz." Oh come on, it's what you're all thinking. Or: "She looks like Justin Bieber age 50."

I really do look like a cancer victim now. Full victim. Not the tough/hot chick with a number 2. And so, when I look into the mirror I have 2 choices: cry or think of a fabulous Ms. Rivers quote: "Kelly (Pickler) shaved her head to fight breast cancer. Britney shaved her head because the Slurpee machine broke. (Just something to think about.)" 


  1. Keep strong....and you look more like Demi Moore in JI Jane., which is really cool, strong and powerfull...ready to take over the world..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Geez you're a good read Robs. I'm hooked!

  4. I did the same. No wigs or anything. I don't remember caring much at the time, but people were cruel. You may not know this now, but marvelous things await you through that door. Your life will be so awesome. You can't even imagine :) You look rather hot and badass bald, though. Just sayin'. But, it will grow back. You'll have your straw and spotted pony phases, but it'll grow. The scars fade...inside as well. Blessings to you now & always <3
